
Steven's Story

A Lifelong Journey with Christ

Deepening Faith Through Study and Fellowship

I have friends who can recall the exact month, day, year and time of day when they offered their lives to Christ. As a Christian, I am happy for them. As a writer, I wonder why Christ wasn't with them from the beginning.

I was raised Catholic and baptized as an infant. There was never a time when Christ was not with me. Yes, I strayed from time to time, as we all do. However, whenever the opportunity presented itself, I went to church. While in the Navy, I transitioned from Catholicism to Protestantism. Although the opportunity to worship wasn't available every week, I never missed a chance to attend when it arose.

My wife and I have been married for more than half a century. During that time, the only times we missed attending church were due to family illness, work (since we worked in the medical field and alternated Sundays), or when we were traveling. As newlyweds, we visited her parents regularly and attended church with them every Sunday we were there.

Christ has always been with me, guiding me in times of doubt and trouble. When I retired in December 2020, my best friend introducted me to the Ironmen Bible Study at Renew Church.

In the 1950s and 1960s, Catholics were encouraged to have a Bible in the home but were often discouraged from reading it on their own. Only the priest was considered qualified to interpret the messages in those sacred pages. The Ironmen Group has opened my eyes, and I have become a willing student of the Holy Word. There is strength in numbers, and through this weekly meeting, I have met many wonderful Christian men. I am now participating in a program to read the Bible in a year.

I am a substitute teacher and used to accept teaching jobs on Bible study days. Now, unless we are traveling, I do not miss Bible study. The school understands how important this is to me and will not schedule me for work on a Tuesday unless I can start after the class ends.

My third novel, The Paintings, is a Christian story about a young woman returning to Christ and the church. Many of the ideas in this novel are inspired by my experiences with Ironmen. I firmly believe Christ has been with me throughout my seventy-seven years on this earth. I can also testify that my relationship with Him has grown closer because of the people I am surrounded by. Most importantly, my deeper connection comes from hearing and studying the words of the Bible.


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