
Ross's Story

From Lost to Found

Obedient to God's Will

I am fully convinced that God was growing tired of watching me do nothing with all He gave me. Truly, I didn't know how lost I was.

God opened the door for me to move to Texas and a experience a new culture. He put a church in my path, and after decades of not going to church, I felt God's tug and went. The first person I met was Wayne Williams, who introduced me to Jesus, whom I didn't know. I was overcome with joy as I began to learn about a new life. That was January 2008, and that very year I became a U.S. citizen, was baptized by immersion, married a good Christian lady, and faithfully attended and participated in worship.  

Now, in 2024, I am truly blessed to be a partner at Renew Church. God has blessed me in so many ways through mission trips, prison ministry, and good friends. I watch God work, I listen for His voice, and He is foremost in my mind.

No bucket list for me. I only want to be obedient to God's will—for my good and His glory!


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